Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

What can I say.....I love Christmas!! What's not to love? You have yummy food & drinks, delictable desserts, holiday parties, special time with family and friends and decorations.

For Eric and I it starts right after Thansgiving. We plan a day to put up the outdoor lights and can only hope that it doesn't rain. Inflatable Santa adorns the porch next to a tree, a BIG red bow sits at the top and Frosty gives cheer to all who pass.

Then we pick out the perfect tree at the farm just down the street.

The perfect Tree (a little blurry, but beautiful)

It takes me about a day and 1/2 to completely decorate the inside. This year I had 2 special helpers. Dexter decided that he was going to check out every container as I opened and emptied them. Sadie made sure not to leave my side. Heaven forbid she miss out on something. Eric, of course, was along for moral support. I guess I could give him the afternoon off, since he did climb on the roof to hang lights.

I love driving thru the neighborhoods and looking at the lights. We all do so much to make our homes sparkle for the holidays and I love being able to share my sparkle with all of you.

Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wonderful wonderful. I agree. Nice work. I found a great tree as well and one the kids could decorate too. enjoy the season!!