Sunday, October 18, 2009

Almost Free Foo-foo Coffee

I love Starbucks!!! I do, I can't help it. I reload my card, frequent the joint about 3 times a week and always get the same drink... Iced Grande non-fat Caramel Machiatto.
I knew I had a coffee problem, but didn't know I spent more on coffee per year than I did on my homeowners insurance.
Here's my tally:
$3.65 x 3 = 10.95 per week, $43.80/month, $525.60/year. (This doesn't even include the times that Eric and I go together or any food I purchase) Makes you really think, huh??

I have found a solution to my problem, that doesn't include therapy or hundreds of dollars on an espresso machine. It's the TODDY. It cost a mere $40 at a local coffee place (not starbucks, either) This is a very easy, cold brew system. (brewed espresso not included)
I picked up a bag of Espresso as soon as I could as I had to try it out ASAP.
I had to find the ingredients needed to make my favorite drink. Starbucks had the caramel sauce that they use and wouldn't you know.... they had the recipe for my drink on the side of the bottle. I never knew this, but they use vanilla syrup in my drink, so I got some of that as well.You need 1lb. of espresso and water. Plug the hole in the brewer with the plug provided. Soak the filter in water and place in the brewer. Layer the espresso and water per the directions. Let sit for at least 12 hours to brew.
After at least 12 hours, you remove the plug and let the espresso drain in the carafe.Put the lid on the carafe, place in the fridge and VOILA. It can last up to 2 weeks, depending on the amount of coffee you drink. If you like hot coffee drinks you can warm up the espresso and milk in the microwave, in a separate container.

I highly recommend this method. Easy to use and store. Plus in my case, you are going to save s&*t loads of money. ENJOY!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

$139 saves marriage

I love my hubby, yet after almost 11 years of marriage, I can definitely say that we don't work well on home improvement projects. I like to be in charge, weird I know. For the most part we know our roles. He mows the lawn, I edge. He sprays the weeds, I prune plants; He rolls the paint, I cut-in at the ceiling and around molding: He cleans the kitchen, I clean the bathrooms.
We've got a few things down. Then there are the unexpected, spur-of-the moment projects. He wants to do it one way, I want to do it another and then..... all HELL breaks loose. Of course I make it sound worse than it is. The moral is: pick your battles

We decided to get a storm door for our front door. We had one at our last house and loved it! It provides that extra bit of protection from the stranger on the porch and when you have dogs, it is a great barrier.We were at Home Depot one day looking at toilet seats and ended up looking at storm doors. So many to choose from!!! I didn't remember there being so many choices and we wanted to make the right choice (not to mention I had to send in the HOA application to get approval for our "improvement" before ordering) so we took some brochures and made our way home.

After little deliberation, we (I ) picked the Anderson 3000 series, self-storing storm door in Almond with nickel finishes. You can go from glass to screen with one hand! Eric went to order the door and hymned and hawed a little over the installation cost. Could he do it himself? Was it worth the money? Reluctantly, he added the cost of installation when he placed the order.
Eric was home the day of the installation, while I was at work. I was so excited to get home and see the new addition. Eric met me at the door.... What a beauty! It was hardly even noticeable. (It's nice and all, but I didn't want it sticking out like a sore thumb)

Here is the conversation that ensued:

Eric: What do you think?
Mel: I love it! It looks awesome!
E: I had the guys change the handle to the opposite side than what we talked about.
M: I think that was a good choice. I had thought about that today and worried there wouldn't be enough room on the porch for people to stand once the door was opened.
E: I watched the guy install this. It took over an hour to do.
M: oh yeah?
E: Yeah! If I had done it, it would be in the yard, in pieces and we would probably be divorced.
M: (Laughing) So the $139 was worth it?
E: Way cheaper than a divorce.

So there you have it folks......if you want to save your marriage, just pay the dang installation fee.