Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's back to work for...Officer Graves

Folks... We have hit another milestone. Eric has been my "steady schedule man" for the last 10 years, and was a stellar employee up to and including his last day on February 25th.

When he originally gave notice, he had planned on only having a couple days off to lounge around and relax until he was off to a crazy schedule. Lucky for him, things were not planned out as quick as we thought and he ended up having over a week off. Yeah for us!!! We had a plethora of gift cards that we just hadn't gotten around to using, so we finally did. We had dinner at Stanford's to celebrate his last day; we ate at the The Cheesecake Factory, used my Pottery Barn gift card to buy a super cute vase (let me tell you how excited he was about that. :-)) and he tagged along to bowling with me (he never has been with me since I started, as it begins so late on Monday nights). It was really nice just to spend time together.

Eric was finally sworn in, as a full time officer this past Thursday. (for our friends and know the city but I am keeping the name private) Both sets of his parents were there as well a few regular and reserve officers. Unfortunately, there was no time to go out and celebrate as it was off to work for Officer Graves. He will be working weird shifts until he leaves for the academy in June. Then he will be gone M-F, home on the weekends.

In the ten years that we have been married, we haven't really shaken things up. This is definitely going to make things interesting. I am so very happy and proud of this man I love with all my heart. He followed his heart and made his dream came true.
P.S. Who doesn't love a man in uniform? :-)


Unknown said...

I wish I lived in his city so he could keep me safe. Be sure to tell him congrats. That is sooo cool!!!

heethar said...

Yeah! Congratulations to you both. Following our dreams is never easy, but always important. So proud of him for sticking with it!!