Friday, September 12, 2008

Eric's Big Dream

For as long as I have known Eric, (which was 10 years last October) he has wanted to be a police officer. When we were first married he didn't think that he would pass all of the requirements for the job, so he started taking courses to be a dispatcher instead. I don't really remember what happened to that venture.... something about typing...... but anyhoo, it went by the wayside due to all of the other things that he had going on. Fast forward 7 years, and he brings up the police thing again. He is gung ho to get in shape for the testing for a couple of local departments. This time he just wants to start out as a reserve. In case you didn't know, that's when you get to be shot at for free. Yeeehaaaa, just what the wife wants.

So last June, he started the process of testing. First there is the physical test. I guess it is was 5 minutes of hell, however Eric passed with flying colors. Then came the written test, which again was passed with no problem. He is one smart cookie. Next was the oral interview. Now.... this was the scariest for Eric. You sit in front of a panel of police officers and councilmen and talk about yourself like you were the best freakin' guy on earth. FUN!!!! with a capital "F". Most of us can toot our own horn once in a while, but it is not easy for Eric. Finally, once you have passed all of this, you are sent the background investigation packet to fill out. Talk about a nightmare..... 30+ pages of information. The best thing.... all departments need one if you make it through the first 3 tests. Thank God for friends that have been through this process as they passed on some helpful information to assist in the tediousness of these background forms. I do want to "halla" out to all those that sent glowing reviews of Eric last year. Thank you, thank you , thank you!!!

As anticipated, Eric passed the background check with flying colors,was sworn in at the department and started the reserve academy 3 days later.

From September to February, 3 times per week, Eric was shooting and studying, driving and cuffing, being maced and taised, having a blast and making new friends. He graduated from the academy February 9th, 2008 and has been consistently volunteering ever since. Click to play Academy Graduation

In June, he decided that this was the career he wanted and began the process for a full time job with 2 nearby departments. I am happy to report that he did a phenomenal job and was all stressed for nothing. He was in the top 10 out of 67 applicants (they were only hiring 1 officer) for one dept. and he is currently ranked #1 for the other.

So here I am, the very proud wife, wanting to share this with you. He has worked so hard to achieve this dream and continues to surprise me everyday. Just as a word of better watch out as Officer Graves might just be the one pulling you over.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just want to know if "bed business" is on fire? Is the man in the uniform thing true? AND congrats Eric. I can't wait until he's getting paid to risk life and limb to protect and serve.