Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So Stinkin' Cute

According to the shelter, Dexter was approximately 8 weeks old on July 12. Of course, being a dog, he can't tell them if this true or not, so I have to assume their expertise has prevailed. So......those that aren't counting that puts mister Dexter at approximately 18 weeks.

For those of you that have not met him yet, he is the biggest cuddler EVER. He would lick the skin right off your face if you'd let him. He continues to be very mellow puppy, which is the biggest "THANK GOD" I can yell and he is excelling at his training. He has been attending puppy kindergarten for the past month and is throughly enjoying every minute. His best friend in the class is Berkley. She is a wire-haired terrier who just runs him ragged every week. This class will end soon and his new class, Dog Adolecence, starts right away. I have to give some free advertising to Cindy, our trainer. She is absolutely wonderful and I highly recommend her for any training needs that you have. She can be found at http://www.thepuppyplayhouse.com/

Dexter is completely potty trained and still non destructive. (well, except for a leash handle. It ended up digesting just fine in case you were wondering. TMI... I know. I am happy that at least it was not my shoes) Lately there have been a few nights, or should I say stinkin' early mornings that he has woke me up with the utmost urgency to GGGGOOOO!!! I guess I should be happy he hasn't left a nice big mess in his bed, but 4:00am, really? Do they make doggy sleeping pills? LOL

His very best friend, by far, is Sadie!!! He absolutely loves her, even though I really don't think the feeling is completely mutual. Let's just say that she is very good at tolerating him. We go to a really neat, local dog park where Sadie sliced her pad open chasing after a ball. She limped and laid around for about 4 days. which is completely abnormal for her. Dexter was very concerned and had to be right next to her (or sit on her head, whatever was convenient for him) every chance he got. What nice loving pups I have. :-)

So if you are lacking some serious dog kisses, feel free to come over and stock up. Dexter is always more than happy to give them away.


Anonymous said...

They are such good puppies! This is such a nice way to keep up-to-date with my growing 4 legged grandson!

I love you,

Unknown said...

glad to hear all is well. parenthood is hard however you come about it. luckily they can't really tell you your a dumb mom, or that they know more than you. I think you are to something with those four legged babies. :o)