Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Can you believe it is October already? Where has 2008 gone? Eric and I had a fun, eventful summer with family BBQ's, camping, shelter functions and new additions to our family, whether they be permanent or temporary. It's time to put away the patio furniture and yard ornaments to make room for pumpkins and jolly ole St. Nick.

October is a very special month for us. It starts our hectic, yet fun, holiday season. You all know I love to decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also have my annual candle party so I can stock up on those yummy candles; I love to burn them during our cold winter months, plus they help mask those stinky kids I have.

Eric and I are going to celebrate our 10th anniversary, yes....... I said 10th.. We are going to spend a romantic weekend in Seattle while our friend Jason takes care of the "kids". This is also the 2nd year that we have been in this house. Again..... CRAZY!!!!! As much as I love to paint and decorate, as you all know, I have not gone completely crazy the past two years. I have only redone the half bath, the guest room and the "man" room, which is now our gym. I would love to remake the whole house with fun colors and funky accessories but all in good time my friends. I am determined to shrink the house from the inside out and it is going to be so much fun doing it.
I raise my imaginary glass and say "Here's to the last 3 months of 2008". May they be calm and crazy, fun, mundane and surprising all rolled into one. We have wonderful family and awesome friends, both of which we don't see nearly enough of. I also have a wonderful husband who is more supportive then I could have ever asked for. I hope that 2009 makes all our hopes and dreams come true.

Eric, Dianna, Ian, Oliver & I: Christmas 2007

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cheers to you Mel. The candle party: I think I will be there. Need to tell Mike today. he he he. Making memories, makes life. Thanks for sharing yours.