Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Overnight stay with Auntie and Uncle

Eric and I try to kidnap Oliver often. So last Saturday, we decided it was a great weekend to have the little man. We like to get our kid-fix in as much as we can. He is always a wonderful guest and makes us laugh and laugh. Sadie and Dexter think he is pretty cool too. Our current roomie Steve had his girls over for the night as well, so it was a super slumber party. We went to a quaint, local pizza parlor and had a great dinner. Oliver especially enjoyed the tiramisu for dessert.
Since our pooches like to be up at the crack of dawn, we were up making breakfast for the whole crew. We had french toast, bacon and OJ. The kids watched cartoons while they waited.

Jalin, Kiana & Oliver watching cartoons

Sadie & Dexter just wanting to be part of the gang

On Sunday we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. This was old news for Oliver since his mommy and daddy had taken him to Sauvie's Island the weekend before. We ventured over to Hoffman's Farm in Canby. Not the best patch I've been too but a short drive and the least expensive. They had alot to do, even for the little ones. Included was the ball pit, face painting, corn maze, train ride, petting zoo and the ever popular inflatables. Oliver liked to look at all of the animals in the petting zoo but didn't want to be too close. What's funny is that I think Oliver hated the bracelet he had to wear to get into all of the events more than the goats.
Click to play


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great day! All of the pictures we took had "Mr. Paci"in them. Maybe one day, he'll disappear.

Love, mom

heethar said...

So cute! Look at how big Dexter is getting!

Unknown said...

fun times. i didn't do that patch this year, but Winco provided us with some nice pumpkins. what a great mom huh???